Monday, November 22, 2010


This weekend S came over! I picked her up in my car but then we ran into traffic.

We went to paint more pottery!

There was a seriously hardcore grandma there. We had childhood flashbacks.

S really liked my apartment. She had a unique way of showing it, I guess.

We also went to a buffet at the mall. They had a lot of tasty desserts, but S got too many and also got a crepe.

I can't begin to describe how horrific it was, watching her eat that crepe. She folded it into a massive crepe ball, but the crepe sides didn't have enough structural integrity to contain the volatile crepe filling, and it began to gush out. Undeterred, S then began biting at the holes in the crepe to staunch the flow, but only managed to widen the crevasse through which the filling was escaping.

She did not want to pay 7.99 for a doggy bag, so we walked around for a while, S hunched over moaning that her stomach hurt.

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